The Think Slow


Corey P Smith

The Think Slow Podcast is a short dialogue hosted by author and businessman Corey P Smith.

About me

Noted author, real estate investor and motivational speaker.

The Think Slow Podcast is a short dialogue hosted by author and businessman Corey P Smith. Corey P Smith is a noted author and American businessman who has used the lessons learned from his unforgettable life experiences to position him as a successful entrepreneur.

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Years of Experience

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Books Published

Book Collection

Noted author and credit awareness expert/lecturer

The Unbreakable Laws of Business Credit is an entrepreneurs guide to establishing any corporate structure and building great business credit at the same time

This book is full of unknown information, that has never been released to the public. It contains detailed information about the credit bureaus and how their database operates.

Credit Is For Poor People exposes the unknown industry of poverty. This book gives a blueprint into the harsh reality of economic racism being used against poor people and how Social Credit is being ushered in by way of Social media.

The Credit Dictionary is a self-help guide that teaches you how to recognize your financial vibrations as well as using positive self esteem when it comes to success and conquering debt.

Conspiracy of Credit

Conspiracy of Credit is a must read. Containing the most raw and comprehensive information you will ever find on credit, this book provides shocking answers to the questions of why the credit bureaus want you to have bad credit and why credit is assumedly for poor people. Conspiracy of Credit explains why identity theft is nothing more than a new product created by the credit bureaus and banks to make money. Further, this book tactfully breaks down the reason behind retail and grocery store loyalty cards as well as the use of re-identification software. The speed of light money age is here, and never before has any book provided a blueprint for the future


Sweet Words from Readers

I absolutely loved this book! It confirmed some things I already know and gave me insight on some new things. I give Corey the utmost respect for really putting himself on the line for us... If you know, you know. If you get this book you literally won’t need any other credit book, EVER.
Tiandra T.
There was no least thing I liked about this book. I loved everything about this eye opening book. This is something I think most of us have suspected all along but now we have the proof and we can do something about it. This book leaves you without excuse. Thank you Mr. Corey P. Smith and Mrs. Smith and family for supporting this awesome brother. Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.
This is an excellent book! The book tells you how to respond to a summons, and also has some really good letters as well. I have all of the authors books and he never fails to deliver real information. Do yourself a favor and buy this book.
This book outlines a blueprint to "cut corners" and obtain business credit. I totally recommend this book, it will teach you how to obtain an "aged" corp, build business credit profile from ground-up, and get business funding up to $100k. The process of getting credit or loans will take a while but is worth studying the knowledge.
Keeanu Ger